Michael Jackson Dead

Who gives a rats ass! He is a child molester!!! For the love of god people.why all this coverage there should be parades and cheers he died! Not remembrance and the celebrity bullshit ass kissing comments. I don’t give a shit what he has succeeded in his sick life. All I need to know is he hurt children mentally/physically for the rest of thier lives! That sick fuck got off easy I hope he suffered for hours before he croaked! Him and his money paying for silence fuckin….rapist Exactly why religion is shit if I gotta sit next to his ass in the pearly gates becAUSE HE REPENTED i’d rather spend eternity with satan burning that would be more comfortable to me.
Let’s face it if it was any other average Joe schcmuck everone would not even think twice about him as a matter a fact if it was anyone else they would have died in prison from all the child raping Michael did. What a sick society we live in amazing that money can even buy forgetfulness.
He is one sick fuck that Jackson son of a bitch and you can bet there will be a TV special with all the ass kissing politically correct celebrities talking about how he inspired them and what a great man he was."Buncha fakes on stage" God and i’ve delt with many fakes they are everywhere they can’t speak truths only speak what they think others wanna hear. 
The shit bag Jackson loved to tour out of country I wonder why ?? How many foreign children had Micheal in them?? Let’s get a Tv show and have all the children he raped and let them talk about what a great rapist he was and how he got away with it so many times.
He’s dead folks come forward and smear him like he always deseved but you couldn’t because his money and lawyers threats.

Making landing gear

Been talking with Max over at Skyartec regarding the Wasp V3 landing gear.
The set that I modified onto my Helicopter are much better looking and more sturdy as well and take no time from flight due to the extra weight which is next to nothing.
So the next few weeks I am coming up with a set that hopefuly will be ready to sell on Max’s sales page http://skyartec-usa.com/ please go there for a visit and buy something it’s never to late to start a hobby and although Helicopters are the hardest to pickup and learn it’s very rewarding.
And Max is the only hobby shop I have been to that ships free in the USA and has awesome customer service. Tell him Sal sent you and he’ll hook you up.
Not only do they sell RTF=ready to fly Helicopters they also sell RTF Airplanes as well. and very soon there will be a Ninja 250 ARF=Almost ready to fly with an ARF plane or helicopter it requires a radio,Reciever and sometime Servos,and motor depends on the package so read before you buy google is king and if someone can’t answer a question google can. The nice thing about 200 size helicopters they are great for beginners that backyard flyers due to thier size and also great for advanced flyers due to thier power,stability and the ability to do 3d manuevers.
A few great places for large amounts of information regarding this hobby forums will help you.
These are the ones I frequesnt very often and Skyartec is very involved in thier customer feed back at the rcgroups forum.
And don’t forget wiki:)
The lower end "more affordable missing bells & whistles" versions come with plastic skids. 
Reminder:All versions are the same just as stated cheaper versions lack the bling.
Then there is the better model skids which are better but I feel lack some spring needed for harder landings."There look to solid to me"
Here’s the set I made and modified onto the Wasp I fly daily.
"Yes wish I opted for the upgrade and got the metal head upgrade:( and CP as well I am 3d flight ready without the CP helicopter.
But I will never give up my Fp heli and will wait till I can get a CP.
The version I made allow more shock absorbsion because the skids extend past the frame and allow flexibility due to a harder landing.
This is the stock version before my skid modification.
And the stock upgraded version
While the stock upgraded version skids are more durable than the stock plastics they are solid and do not allow softened impact due to being solid.
I am not knocking Skyartec at all by anymeans the WaspV3 is THE BEST FP Helicopter I have ever flown and I have flown alot of FP helicopters this one kicks ass with any of the skids on it.

300 Woodies

Finally after 1 year of sitting on 4 sets of $12 blades a set I sent a complaint to Xtreme productions regarding the quality and balancing of these blades.
I have the 8 degree blades meant for the xtreme 380x motor and 10 degree blades meant for the stock 370 motor.
On top of all those balancing issues I had with the blades out of the package the the 380x motor fried my 4 in1 not cheap. They replaced but I refused to put that motor back in my Heli.
Anyhow after sending the complaint "1 year later" they sent me 5 sets of 10 degree blades and 2 more sets of 8 degree blades and another 380x motor to give a try.
While I still have not put the 8 degree blades on or the 380x motor I have put the 10 degree woodies on and they were perfectly balanced out of the package.
So Later this week I am going to attempt using the 380x motor and the 8 degree blades and see if I get the same quality results I got with the new 10 degree woodies.
Really hoping so because I would love a working 380x motor in the 300 size Falconbee.
The hardest thing to learn when flying
a RC helicopter is the hover after that it’s a breeze….kinda:) 

Street fighter 4 PC benchmark results

Old skool Street Fighter the Benchmark was released so had to run it to see where the PC stands.
 V-Sync -on C16xQAA
SCORE: 6150
OS: Windows Vista(TM) Ultimate
CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 920 Processor
Memory: 3582MB
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260
Display Setting: 1680×1050 60Hz C16xQAA
V-sync-Off C16xQAA
SCORE: 7212
OS: Windows Vista(TM) Ultimate
CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 920 Processor
Memory: 3582MB
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260
Display Setting: 1680×1050 60Hz C16xQAA
V-Sync-Off 4XAA
SCORE: 8973
OS: Windows Vista(TM) Ultimate
CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 920 Processor
Memory: 3582MB
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260
Display Setting: 1680×1050 60Hz 4xAA
V-Sync-Off no-AA
SCORE: 16010
OS: Windows Vista(TM) Ultimate
CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 920 Processor
Memory: 3582MB
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260
Display Setting: 1680×1050 60Hz
Burned through the Benchmark in a few minutes completely unplayableat these frame rates.

L4D 2 Boycott L:OL

While I think boycotts are just lame I do have to admit when L4D-2 was announced I was quite annoyed myself.
First thing I thought was L4D 1 was released with only 4 co-op campaigns and no DLC was added at all (The latest DLC did not add any real content at all)  then they announce L4D 2 which should of been the work they were doing for more DLC for the 1st game another shit move from greedy developers.
This is the reason people pirate and really hope that Valve loses thier ass on this new game.
The LOL in the title is not laughing out loud.
It means lots of losers.